
“For decades I struggled with low self-esteem, relationship issues, and undesirable behaviors. Over the years I obtained treatment from a handful of therapists, but with limited success.  I also worked a 12-step program and was able to maintain 5-1/2 years sobriety prior to relapsing. 

Amber did not offer a quick fix or guarantee any particular outcome, but instead she met me where I was each time we met, and she gently navigated me through a lifetime of grief that was stored in my mind, body, and soul.  

Amber and the team of clinicians at Fort Mill Psycotherapy are amazing!”

“Working with Amanda has helped me face my emotions, understand the root of my anxiety and be able to be in control of what I want from my life.”

“Amber has been an instrumental force in my recovery!”

Life changing.

“It’s difficult for me to put into words what [THCo] has done for not only me, but my entire family. Honestly she has saved my life. That may sound dramatic, but it’s absolutely true. ”

“Amber is a highly skilled, compassionate, and caring therapist.  I’ve been a client of Ambers for the past 1-1/2 years and am happy to report that I’ve experienced more recovery than I thought was possible.”

“Fast forward one year and three months to the present day and I hardly recognize myself! Working with Amber has changed my life.”

“I didn’t know what I needed to work on when I first starting seeing her;

I just knew that I was at a loss and needed help.

Individual therapy allowed me to learn how to establish real trust with another human being and begin to work on unpacking some unresolved grief.”

Full Testimonials

“My area of need was in anxiety and trauma stemming from multiple baby losses. I started with Amanda after a baby loss in 2017 was really impacting my ability to engage in day to day life. Working with Amanda has helped me face my emotions, understand the root of my anxiety and be able to be in control of what I want from my life. I am able to prioritize myself, establish healthy boundaries and really be in tune with how I’m feeling and make decisions that I won’t regret later. I am so thankful that I prioritized my mental health. It doesn’t take away or fix what I’ve lost, but it does allow me to give myself grace and be gentle with myself each day. I know the grief will be something that I carry each and every day, but it also has provided me with realizing some of my most unique gifts. Without my experience or the work I’ve done with Amanda, I don’t think I would be able to say that. Life changing.


 “When I first started working with Amber, my life felt like it was in ruins all around me. I had very little of my foundation holding me up anymore – my family had been shattered, my horse of fifteen years had died, I was suffering from depression, trauma, and an eating disorder – all I really knew was that I needed help. Fast forward one year and three months to the present day and I hardly recognize myself! Working with Amber has changed my life. Through experiential therapy, Amber has helped me navigate my co-dependency, reconnect with my inner child and my emotions and body, and break the chains of my eating disorder. This has allowed me to step into my best self, move forward from the grief and losses in my life, and embrace the wonderful new changes without fear or resentment as my family knits back together. I was a husk of a person, a mask of smiles hiding the empty darkness beneath, but now I am one with my body, my inner child, my spirit, and my emotions. I literally don’t know who I’d be right now if it weren’t for Amber and the amazing instinct, compassion, wisdom, and training she wields with such grace. I will be grateful to her for the rest of my life.

“There aren’t enough words to describe how grateful I am to have found Amber at Fort Mill Psychotherapy. For a long time, I was like an author with writer’s block. I would repeatedly try to pick up my pen, to write the next chapter, but nothing took. I was stuck in a mindset that wouldn’t let me move forward, backward, left or right. I had numbed all feelings, good and bad. Working with Amber, I spend endless hours recounting my story so far and through that process, I gained a better understanding of where I came from, why I am the way that I am, and considerable clarity on where to go next.
When individual therapy hit a bit of a plateau, I was strongly encouraged by my therapist to attend a weekend workshop called Stepping into Wholeness. I had attended a short-term weekly group therapy session prior to this, but this would be a little different. I finally gave in and attended. It was the scariest and best thing I have ever done. As much work and as far as I have come in my individual work over a 5ish year period, these sessions really went to a place I didn’t know was possible. Painful and difficult sometimes, yes, but so supported, so loved and so connected. Having now attended five workshops, in one weekend, I watched absolute strangers open up and bond with zero judgement. I find a bit of myself in every story I hear at these workshops, and when it is over, I find it impossible to imagine that I won’t see these people tomorrow, even though we only met a couple of days prior. Yes, it is terrifying to open up to strangers, but it is one of the most eye opening and healing things I have experienced. I have found a support system now that know things about me that very few people on this planet know, and they love me all the more for it. Trust the process, because together we can do what we can never do alone. I used to roll my eyes at that. I don’t anymore. I know it is true.

“Amber has been an instrumental force in my recovery! She has helped me to understand the shame, blame, anger and other uncomfortable feelings I have struggled with and pushed down for so many years.  While my journey continues to have ups and downs, Amber is always available to provide meaningful insights, easy-to-use tools for the times when I need extra support, and patience and grace, when I’m not able to do that for myself. I leave both my individual and group sessions with her feeling hopeful and empowered, as I learn love and see myself as positively as she and others do. In a sentence, Amber is a real, welcoming, hilarious, raw and unbelievably helpful badass! I am a much better person for having been in her care.


“It’s difficult for me to put into words what Amber has done for not only me, but my entire family. Honestly she has saved my life. That may sound dramatic, but it’s absolutely true. 

I’ve been seeing Amber for 3+ years focusing initially on individual therapy. I didn’t know what I needed to work on when I first starting seeing her; I just knew that I was at a loss and needed help. Individual therapy allowed me to learn how to establish real trust with another human being and begin to work on unpacking some unresolved grief. 

I’ve also done a couple of intensives with Amber. And while the name is pretty indicative of these types of sessions, they allowed for more time to uncover, unpack, and work through more (of whatever I needed to work on at the time), ultimately feeling more relief in less time than traditional, individual sessions.

I’ve also attended multiple Stepping into Wholeness workshops. These have been amazing! I experienced tremendous growth during these workshops not only through my own individual work, but also by witnessing others as they did their work and making connections that have lasted long after the workshops. 

In the last few months my husband and I began couple’s therapy, and I know that it’s helping to strengthen our relationship.   

I can’t say enough about Amber, her capabilities, the environment that she cultivates, and her entire practice. I’m so grateful and thankful that I found her when I did. She brings so much passion to her work, learning new ways to help her patients, meeting them exactly where they are, but providing a variety of tools to help them get to where they want to be.”

“Amber is a highly skilled, compassionate, and caring therapist.  I’ve been a client of Ambers for the past 1-1/2 years and am happy to report that I’ve experienced more recovery than I thought was possible.  

For decades I struggled with low self-esteem, relationship issues, and undesirable behaviors. Over the years I obtained treatment from a handful of therapists, but with limited success.  I also worked a 12-step program and was able to maintain 5-1/2 years sobriety prior to relapsing. 
Amber did not offer a quick fix or guarantee any particular outcome, but instead she met me where I was each time we met, and she gently navigated me through a lifetime of grief that was stored in my mind, body, and soul.  

Amber and the team of clinicians at Fort Mill Psycotherapy are amazing!”


I initially came in for help with my anorexic tendencies and with the help of Amber realized my main issue was unexpressed Grief that I’d been carrying since childhood. I no longer feel like I don’t know who I am or that I’m going crazy. I am learning that I’m enough, imperfections and all, and that I can let go instead of feeling the need to control everyone and everything. One of the biggest things I have learned is that the anxiety that controlled so much of my life is actually my body telling me what I needed. I am coming to know and love and care for my inner child. There is a way out and it is through the pain, something I avoided for decades, and couldn’t do alone. I had no idea how freeing, feeling and walking through the pain with others who know that pain could be. Life Changing & Affirming.


Anxiety, some depression ,and grief are the things I am going through. Amanda who is my therapist, is still helping me with the trauma I have experienced. I am still a work in progress due to several things that occur in my life. However, I have made progress and I continue to work through the steps that are part of the program.

My first experience was not a good one in Rock Hill. I was told to breathe for 2 years. A friend recommended FMP and I am so thankful that she did. I have had lots of unexpected things happen in my life which causes me to have anxiety and some depression. When I first went to Amanda, I was like so this is what real therapy looks like . She digs deeper through different methods and makes me think deep down what is causing the anxiety and depression that I have. There is not a thing wrong with going to a therapist. They have the knowledge and expertise to help. Talking to a friend only lets you talk it out and they give you their opinion in which they have know idea how to help the correct way.

Amanda is my therapist and she very knowledgeable with dealing with clients who suffer from anxiety. She can tell how far I can go in a session and she knows when to stop. I know one day we are going to have to dig deeper but she knows I am not ready to experience that just yet. It is part of the steps of recovery to help with the anxiety and I know she will be supportive when we do go there.
The most important thing about FMP, is they are their to help you figure out your problems and what can you do to help yourself. They don’t have this magical sheet with all the answers that they give you. It is something you work together as a team
to help with whatever you are going through.

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