Our Story

Every great adventure has an origin story

The Year Was 2012...

What started out as a “one-woman show” quickly grew to become a team of dynamic, high-functioning professionals with incredible clinical skills. Starting in the heart of the Baxter community of Fort Mill, FMP quickly outgrew that space and moved towards Tega Cay. FMP fully embraces the phrase “trust the process” and in doing so has seen incredible things happen to our practice and our community.

In 2020, the year of change, not only did FMP outgrow another office, but the universe also birthed FMP Ballantyne in an incredible chain of events.

We can’t wait to see what the next 6 years hold as we stay true to our vision of building trust and safety through transparency and compassion to support change and healing.

The Healing Collective was launched (more like birthed) as the natural growth we’ve seen since expanding locations. We’ve mastered our techniques even from a virtual perspective which made our edges boundless. We realized we can not only scale outside of Fort Mill, but also outside of state lines!

From Our Founder:

“The Angel Oak Tree is native to South Carolina. This tree is on John’s Island in South Carolina near Charleston and is over 1000 years old.

Angel Oak has withstood floods, droughts, fires, and hurricanes.

This tree holds great meaning and symbolism for me. It represents ‘our story’, heritage, generational patterns, scars, and mistakes. Learning to love ourselves and accepting our own story is essential in the journey of healing.”
— Amber


Why was The Healing Collective created?


Our initial location was in Fort Mill, South Carolina and grew not only with clients but also with highly skilled clinicians.

So much so that we found ways to stay highly effective experiential clinicians during Covid. We mastered our techniques even from a virtual perspective which made our edges boundless. We realized we can not only scale outside of Fort Mill, but also outside of state lines!

The HC is for clients that are ready to make shifts in their life because they are tired of how their backstory shows up in the present day life. Clients that are highly motivated professionals in our communities that due to life or work need accessibility to our services through a virtual platform. Relationships are hard, self care is hard, accountability is hard and our services support clients where they are. Our clients have awareness around how emotional and mental health affects the whole body.They have an openness to services that will address mind, body and energy. They are willing to enter into a recovery process to repair relationships with self and others.


Why Should I Come To The Healing Collective?


Our culture is finally realizing the impact of our past and our emotional health manifests into physical symptoms.

We are realizing suffering is optional. The HC is virtual which means all of our services are accessible to anyone! Anyone can heal and repair mind, body, and energy by entering into a space of thriving, not surviving.

Your body, mind, and energy will feel relief. You will have full anonymity and your healing will be facilitated virtually to protect all your rights to heal in confidence. Confidentiality is our highest priority.

If you’re here your recovery must be important to you. We are so glad you have decided to take care of yourself.

Talk therapy doesn’t always address core issues and when the root isn’t treated, the symptoms just keep manifesting differently.


Why Should I Come To The Healing Collective?


Why Is It Called The Healing Collective?


This isn't your therapists office. It's a place of deep healing.

It’s a home for all healers that can impact the human experience. As a collective we address the mind, body and energy to support a full recovery. We collaborate to create an experience that brings relief quicker.

Research has proven that trauma is an experience not an event, and it is stored in the body, not just in memories. Our approach provides relief from all directions (mind, body and energy) because trauma affects all systems. One way recovery and healing is described is through top down or bottom up therapies. We treat the whole person, the whole body, for a whole experience. Our services provide healing for top down which allows one to understand cognitively what happened, the process to healing, as well as the maintenance of the healing work. Bottom up healing addresses all trauma stored in the body manifesting into physical symptoms which doesn’t always have a language but does have a feeling. The top down serves as a translator to support connecting the top and the bottom for full integration but always recognizes the real brain is in the body, not the head because our body experiences lead us to peace. The HC brings all healer together to collaborate for a fully integrated experience of healing.


Why Wait?


Your Time Is Now.

You’ve suffered long enough. It’s time to take the first step, the hardest step, and get started by clicking below and setting up a time to come in and meet with us. 

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Why Wait?

Why is the logo tree rings?

We’re so glad you asked!

Tree Rings

Our first ever location was in Fort Mill, SC.

The logo for FMP is an Angel Oak, a representation of strength and a warrior spirit. We wanted to bring along that imagery when we launched The Healing Collective, without having an identical logo.

Angel oak Tree

Also, tree rings are symbolic of the human body, how it holds on to it’s scars, memories, and experiences.

Furthermore, trees in general communicate with one another. They care for one another through a communication system in the fugi throughout soil between their root system. This is similar to our healing collective as well, with a bit less fungi.

Lastly, trees represent structures in the brain. In neuroscience, we refer to components of the brain as “arbor like structures”- that is, tree like. 

to look like water rippling out from where a rock (or other element) may have broken the surface and created a ripple effect...

and to evoke the earth in the whole of the mark looking like a geode with a crust and jewel like layers on the inside.

The Elements

The foundation of The Healing Collective is that healing is possible- there is hope.

It’s not mysterious or reserved for only some. It’s elemental. There are components in nature that behave a certain predictable way when other elements are enacted upon them. In the same way, we humans have a nature and it can be said that we might behave in a certain way when elements are enacted upon us.

Our logo was meant to firstly be tree rings, and secondarily to be all the elements in one image. A throwback to freudian ink blots, we believe you see what you need to see in our logo. 

We designed it to represent fire as smoke coming through one of the tree's scars towards the upper left...

to resemble air in the wispy lines throughout the center...

Like you, our logo is multifaceted.

It’s grounded, yet sometimes hard to get a handle on. It’s rustic and ever evolving. It contains a multitude of complication, beauty, and wonder.

We know what it is to be human, and we know what it is to be moving towards healing. Our whole Collective was built on the foundation that healing is possible, and we’d love for the opportunity to show you.

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