Intensives for Trauma Healing and Relationship Healing

North Carolina & South Carolina

Mindfulness and Meditation

Practices that cultivate present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and promote emotional regulation. These techniques help individuals observe their thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Yoga and Movement Therapy

Incorporating gentle yoga postures, breathing exercises (pranayama), and movement therapy to enhance body awareness, release tension, and support overall physical and mental health.

Art Therapy

Utilizing creative expression through art, painting, drawing, or sculpture to explore emotions, process trauma, and foster self-discovery. Art therapy can provide insights that verbal communication alone may not reach.

Expressive Arts Therapy

Integrating various forms of artistic expression such as music, dance, drama, and poetry to promote healing, self-awareness, and communication.

Energy Healing Practices

Including modalities such as Reiki, or therapeutic touch, which work with the body's energy fields to promote relaxation, balance energy flow, and support healing processes.

Mind-Body Techniques

Incorporating techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, biofeedback, and guided imagery to promote relaxation, reduce physical symptoms of stress, and enhance overall well-being.

“The only way out is through”

Robert Frost

Intensives (intensive psychotherapy) are customized therapeutic experiences for situations that need resolution and movement. Intensives are for individuals, couples, families, and or siblings that want to move through an impasse. Sometimes this is working through the pain of a betrayal, or the memory of childhood trauma, or solidifying new healthy behaviors in a family system. At times, working with clients weekly is more injurious than helpful, an intensive allows for the healing to take place deeply and over the days that are scheduled. Intensive Psychotherapy appointments usually span a half day to 4 days and are scheduled by appointment. In that amount of time, participants are able to access an emotional depth that helps them move through an event. They are also able to acquire and utilize tools in an emotionally safe environment. Intensive Psychotherapy requires an extensive intake process.

The Healing Collective is a teaching practice and to that end, we include interns and or invite other therapists who are eager to learn this process to participate and enhance our work. These professionals have experience in assisting in intensives, where they can play roles of your family members, currently and historically. This helps with identification and sharing of feelings. They also give helpful feedback and are there to learn, accommodate and provide support. Of course, having interns in the room would require the consent of the individual, couple or family.

Amber has been practicing for over a decade and supporting individuals, family’s, and couples in intensives to gain relief faster. When it comes to a family system, when one is in pain, the whole family is in pain. Most types of illness be it mental health or physical health create a strain not just on the individual but also on the system around the individual. There is change and with change their is grief. Therefore, Amber’s intensives utilize the entire model within one session that is extended. The intention of this approach is multifaceted, but the ultimate outcome is focused on relieving the pain.

Are you tired of the weekly one hour therapy sessions?

Do you need relief from your past sooner?

Expectations and Types of Intensives

At The Healing Collective, we understand that sometimes, a deeper journey into self-discovery and healing is needed. Our therapy Intensives offer a focused, transformative experience designed to support you in profound ways. Whether you're navigating a specific challenge or seeking accelerated progress, our intensives provide a structured space for exploration and growth.

What to Expect:

  • Personalized Attention: Tailored exclusively to your needs, our Therapy Intensives are crafted to address your unique circumstances and goals.

  • Focused Exploration: Dive deep into your concerns with extended sessions that allow for comprehensive exploration and breakthroughs.

  • Accelerated Healing: Experience the benefits of concentrated therapy, helping you make significant strides in a shorter period.

  • Holistic Support: Beyond therapy sessions, receive holistic support to enhance your well-being during your intensive experience.

Who Can Benefit:

  • Individuals: Whether you're grappling with anxiety, depression, trauma, or relationship issues, our intensives provide a concentrated path to healing.

  • Couples: Strengthen your relationship through intensive sessions designed to foster communication, understanding, and connection.

  • Families: Address complex family dynamics and challenges in a supportive environment focused on resolution and growth.

Why Choose Us:

  • Expertise: Led by experienced therapists specializing in intensive therapy approaches, we bring expertise and compassion to every session.

  • Compassionate Care: We prioritize your comfort and confidentiality, ensuring a safe space for your therapeutic journey.

  • Proven Results: Our clients experience tangible improvements in their lives, empowered by the insights and tools gained during intensives.

Take the Next Step:

Embark on a transformative journey with our Therapy Intensives. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover how we can support you on your path to healing and growth.

Have you realized talk therapy doesn’t work to heal the body?

Are you looking for holistic support for REAL changes?

At The Healing Collective, we believe in addressing the entirety of your well-being during our Therapy Intensives. These intensives are designed to provide a profound and comprehensive healing experience that goes beyond traditional therapy sessions. Bessel van der Kolk’s research is evidence the trauma we experience in our lives are not stored in our mind or memories, but in our body. Therefore, healing the whole body collectively is what creates movement, healing, and integration.

Intensives with The Healing Collective Team, will include slowing down the process and noticing details that you may have not noticed previously. The process of slowing down alone is triggering for some of us, especially if we live in over functioning. You don’t have to do this alone. All activities, interventions, or enactments are modeled first or practiced with you to maintain the level of attunement throughout. Our team at The Healing Collective live in a state of integrity through practicing recovery on a daily basis. Our commitment to our recovery is what allows us to walk alongside you in your journey. A clinician can only take a client as far as they have traveled.

Holistic Approach:

  • Mind: Dive deep into your thoughts, emotions, and patterns through extended therapy sessions with our skilled therapists. Explore the root causes of your challenges and develop insights that promote lasting change.

  • Body: Recognizing the mind-body connection, our intensives may include practices such as mindfulness, yoga, or guided relaxation techniques. These activities are aimed at reducing stress, enhancing self-awareness, and promoting physical well-being.

  • Spirit: Nurture your inner self through guided reflection, exploration of values, and connection to a deeper sense of purpose. Our therapists facilitate discussions that help you align your life with what matters most to you.

Comprehensive Support:

  • Nutrition and Wellness: Receive guidance on nutrition and lifestyle choices that support mental and emotional health. We emphasize the importance of a balanced diet, exercise, and self-care practices as integral parts of your healing journey. It is the basis of Maslow’s Hierarchy.

  • Environment: Create a supportive environment conducive to healing. We may recommend strategies for optimizing your physical surroundings and relationships to foster positivity and growth but also a necessity for integration. The body heals when it is at rest.

Customized for You:

Every Therapy Intensive at The Healing Collective is tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. Whether you're seeking relief from anxiety, healing from past traumas, or striving for personal growth, our holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your well-being are considered and supported.

Benefits of Our Holistic Therapy Intensives:

  • Integrated Healing: Addressing mind, body, and spirit promotes a balanced and sustainable approach to mental health.

  • Empowerment: Gain tools and strategies that empower you to take charge of your health and well-being long after the intensive ends.

  • Transformation: Experience profound shifts in perspective and behavior, leading to greater resilience, fulfillment, and overall life satisfaction due to the new neural pathways your brain will create during your intensive.

Embark on Your Healing Journey:

Discover the transformative potential of our Holistic Therapy Intensives. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your path towards holistic healing and personal growth.



If you find yourself stuck in a pattern of behaviors it’s typically historical. Often times in traditional therapy (weekly for 1 hour) the limited time prevents the “movement or shift” that can happen from participating in an intensive. The healing process goes two ways in an intensive, top down and bottom up. Don’t worry, we will explain ALL of this in your assessment!


Intensives are a modality of treatment that is designed to create and support immense healing. What sustains our recovery and progress is the safety in the relationship with a healer. We work WITH your therapist to support your treatment plan (with your permission of course). Think of it as a specialized treatment. If you are working with a therapist that specializes in your area of need, that might be similar to going to a cardiologist. In working with your cardiologist (current therapist) he/she might recognize a need to see a different specialist, like a Nutritionist to support the work you are doing with the cardiologist. Both are specialists, both have roles in your treatment, and work parallel but one doesn’t replace the other.


No, intensives have immense capacity to create a lot of healing even systemically. Couples and families (not just family of origin but also family of choice) or groups can comprise participants in an intensive. Connecting all the dots are vital in recognizing patterns, and having those closest to us walking the journey with us in an intensive means we heal the system, not just the individual.


Deciding to do an intensive is, without a doubt, an investment. Intensives are not considered “traditional” therapy sessions therefore, insurance companies do not recognize them as covered services. Often this barrier (not using insurance) is a BIG part of a person staying “stuck”, also apart of their backstory. Investment in time and money in oneself to participate in an intensive would require making treatment a priority. If you immediately ruled out an intensive because of the time or money investment, consider exploring that!


Yes! Intensives are conducted by specially trained clinicians to provide therapy in a way that supports understanding (cognitive) as well as processing (body) trauma. The additional time allows for the client to understand their own story and identify how their past is showing up in their present. The body processing creates a rewiring that allows the trauma stuck in the body to be released and new behaviors to form.


We invite referring clinicians to join their clients as part of the treatment. If your clinician joins you in your intensive, it brings established trust and safety to your work and expedites your process.

We encourage the use of interns or other trained clinicians from the team because it makes the process rich by having other participants to hold space for people or things in your world. Imagine creating a visual of your world and it being able to speak to you what you needed to hear. These witnesses can be a powerful voice of healing to honor your process.


Intensives range from 4 hour (half day) up to 2.5 day. To schedule an intensive, you will first do an assessment with one of our intensive clinicians and they will determine if this mode of treatment is what’s best for you. Most often, intensives are paired with traditional weekly therapy to support the integration of the healing that occurs during the intensive. If you’d like to schedule an intensive, please contact our office at 803-216-1604 and our staff will support you.

Intensives Team

  • intensives for trauma healing, intensives for inner child healing, intensives for relationship trauma, intensives for relational healing, intensives for relationship improvement, intensives for acoa, intensives for grief, intensives for divorce

    Amber Tolbert

    Founder & Owner

  • intensives for emdr, intensives for somatic healing, intensives for spiritual awakening, intensives for emotional healing, intensives for postpartum depression, intensives for postpartum anxiety, intensives for family of origin issues

    Amanda Enlow

    Clinical Director

  • intensives for codependency, intensives with art therapy, intensives with somatic bodywork, intensives for reparenting, intensives for reparenting the inner child, intensives for healing early childhood wounds, intensives for core wounds

    Jenn Radcliffe

    Senior Clinician

  • intensives with sound healing, intensives for addiction recovery, intensives for addiction and codependency, intensives for alcohol recovery, intensives for substance recovery, intensives for healthy relationships, intensives for couples

    Stacey Surratt

    Senior Clinician