Holistic Therapy and Trauma Healing for Individuals

Are you constantly running on empty trying to put the pieces together?

Is your nervous system on edge all the time, leading you to be irritable and snappy with the people you love? Do you find yourself exhausted but too wired to sleep? Trauma takes many forms and often shows up as a lingering stress response that keeps us on edge. Fight, flight, freeze, and fawn are all stress responses that show up frequently as a result of experiences that we have not yet processed. Holistic therapy for individuals at The Healing Collective is a specialized four stage model that supports individuals in getting out of this chronic stress response, healing the underlying wounds, and improving trust and safety with Self as the roadmap to relationships with others.

We support and guide women who are extremely driven and overwhelmed by life, drowning in life’s demands. Our mission is to help you reclaim your power and step out of those repetitive cycles that are no longer serving you. Healing is about rediscovering your true essence, embracing your uniqueness, and guiding you back to your authentic self. It's time to step into your power and paint your life with the vibrant hues of your own identity.

Holistic therapy for individuals is the foundational component of our treatment model and the solution for addressing chronic burnout from a variety of causes. This chronic burnout may show up as anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, panic, numbing and medicating (what our society calls addiction), or grief, among many other things. The Healing Collective provides virtual therapy that works for individuals in North Carolina and South Carolina to finally get to the root of the dysfunction and create change.

Charlotte Fort Mill Rock Hill Raleigh Burlington Charleston Columbia Greenville Myrtle Beach Belmont Asheville Women Therapy Individual Therapy Healing Holistic Therapy Couples Counseling Individual Counseling Counseling for Women Family Counseling

Individual Holistic Therapy That Works

Our Mission Is Clear

We work with women and men who are feeling utterly drained and lost. They pour their hearts into loving others, yet they can't understand why they don't receive the same level of love in return. It's like they're stuck in this exhausting loop, using the same old ways of relating to others that only seem to leave them feeling even more empty and worn-out. The solution is to heal Self as the entry point to healing the coupleship or family conflict. Creating greater capacity through individual work sets the stage for effective couples and family counseling. We also support the people in relationship with you, as the health of your entire system results in the freedom to live the authentic life you want.

Charlotte Fort Mill Charleston Greenville Raleigh Counseling Therapy Trauma Healin

Individual holistic therapy is the foundation 

Often the problem seems to be the loudest problem, which is often relationship challenges in the coupleship or behavioral problems with children. Our model is founded on the belief that I must learn to trust myself before I can ever trust others enough to address those challenges. If my capacity is low or non-existent I need to support my own nervous system first to gain the capacity and skill to support myself through couples or family work. At The Healing Collective, our individual holistic therapy begins in our first phase with gathering the dots so we can connect the dots. The priority is your safety and comfort in working with your primary therapist while we begin to identify the core wounds that are getting in your way. We use evidence based tools to get to the root of the problem while teaching you the skills you need to begin to step out of your chronic stress responses. In our second phase we begin the journey towards learning to trust and build safety with yourself, shifting your power from external forces back to Self. Our third phase leads you to the recovery tool of Reparenting, a radical act of self love and trust that supports you in becoming your own Loving Parent. As you move into our fourth phase, the focus is integration of all of your tools to support you on your lifelong journey of prioritizing yourself. Our team works with you along the way to constantly evaluate and re-evaluate your treatment plan to ensure you are heading in the right direction, making recommendations for the introduction of other desired components, such as couples therapy and family therapy.

We provide virtual therapy that actually works

You juggle a million tasks and roles every single day. Planning the time in your schedule to drive to therapy, attend your session, drive back, and continue about your day is just another set of tasks to figure out. You already struggle to prioritize yourself - why make it more difficult to do the very thing that you need? The Healing Collective provides effective virtual holistic therapy to make therapy more accessible to women regardless of their location in North Carolina and South Carolina. Our therapists are the best of the best and are skilled in providing virtual therapy that is more than talk therapy. Our holistic therapists utilize experiential psychotherapy through our specialized four stage model to ensure that therapy gets to the root of the problem. 

Unlike traditional talk therapy, which primarily relies on dialogue between client and therapist, experiential therapy is an action oriented approach that heals trauma on a sensory and emotional level. This approach can be particularly effective for individuals who struggle to express their feelings verbally or who have difficulty accessing their emotions through traditional conversation alone. By actively participating in therapeutic exercises, clients may uncover underlying beliefs, fears, or triggers that contribute to their trauma responses. Through this process, they can develop new insights and coping mechanisms that lead to more profound and lasting healing.

Charlotte Fort Mill Charleston Raleigh Greenville Healing Trauma Counseling Therapy

Our individual therapists support you in escaping the dysfunction around you

Saying “no” to others is saying “yes” to you

Therapists at The Healing Collective have special expertise in navigating the family dysfunction that keep us stuck. Prioritizing individual therapy is a way that you say “yes” to you and begin to exit the dysfunctional patterns of people pleasing and prioritizing others. Creating healthy boundaries starts with saying “yes” to you. Read more below from the founder of The Healing Collective, Amber Tolbert, LCSW.

This time of year always seems to get a little more frenzied. No matter how much I prepare, something is sure to set my schedule or my mood off the rails. The stress of the holidays can take its toll.

As a child, I was taught to put others’ needs first: open the door for the person behind you…share what you have…listen before you speak. Be kind. Turn the other cheek. Forgive. I witnessed my mother putting everyone else’s needs before her own. That approach became ingrained in my DNA. I learned to hide my needs because it would cause conflict or danger. In fact, I perfected NOT having needs so others always took priority, and I received praise for it!

The more I learned to take care of others’ needs before my own, the more I developed an external locus of control. Putting others first was safer, after all. Yet the challenge with that external locus of control was I also learned not to listen to my body. I would ignore, avoid, or develop other habits so that I wouldn’t feel the cues my body would send.

The result is that, along with the ability to protect myself and survive, I lost the ability to have a relationship with myself.

I lost the ability to say “yes” to me.

To this day, I have moments of regression, moments when I, myself, Amber becomes unimportant. Events such as the holidays only seem to provide an opportunity for exacerbating that problem.

But, through my recovery, I’ve found the gift of self-awareness. Now, when I sense myself regressing, I pay attention. I listen to my body and have an internal locus of control so I can hear the messages: I’m hungry, I’m tired, or I’m afraid. In other words, I start recognizing what I need, and I ask for it. I say “no” to others so I can say “yes” to me.

Paying attention has become a powerful tool. It has allowed me to attend to others’ needs while keeping my own needs in mind. It has given me the ability to put myself first. If you’re seeking something similar, particularly as the holidays approach, please reach out. Look at it this way: you are just as important as others. You’re not saying that you’re “more important,” but you are just as important.

It’s okay to listen to your needs, put yourself first, and say “yes” to you. Click the link below to get in touch today!

Charlotte Fort Mill Rock Hill Raleigh Burlington Charleston Columbia Greenville Myrtle Beach Belmont Asheville Women Therapy Individual Therapy Healing Holistic Therapy Couples Counseling Individual Counseling Counseling for Women Family Counseling

Healing the Inner Child

Inner child work is a powerful therapeutic approach that focuses on reconnecting with and healing the wounded aspects of one's inner child—the younger, more vulnerable self that experienced trauma or neglect. This type of therapy recognizes that many adult struggles, including difficulties in relationships and boundary-setting, stem from unresolved childhood wounds. By engaging in inner child work, individuals can directly address and heal these early emotional injuries, leading to profound improvements in their overall well-being and relationships.

One of the primary benefits of inner child work is its ability to facilitate trauma healing. Trauma experienced during childhood can leave lasting emotional scars that affect how individuals perceive themselves and interact with others in adulthood. Inner child work allows individuals to revisit these painful experiences with the support of a therapist, providing a safe space to process and release buried emotions. Through tailored techniques guided by your therapist, clients can nurture their inner child, offer comfort, and reframe negative beliefs formed during traumatic events. This process not only promotes healing but also fosters resilience and a renewed sense of self-worth.

Furthermore, inner child work is instrumental in improving relationships with both self and others. Many relationship patterns and dynamics are influenced by unresolved childhood issues, such as abandonment fears, trust issues, or patterns of codependency. By addressing these root causes through inner child work, individuals can gain clarity on how past experiences continue to impact their present relationships. They can learn to recognize and modify maladaptive behaviors that stem from childhood wounds, thereby fostering healthier and more fulfilling connections with others. This work also enhances self-compassion and self-understanding, as individuals develop a deeper appreciation for their inner vulnerabilities and strengths.

Developing healthy boundaries is another crucial aspect of inner child work. Childhood experiences of boundary violations or neglect can result in difficulties setting and maintaining boundaries in adulthood. Inner child work helps individuals identify where and how their boundaries were violated or disregarded in the past. Through therapeutic techniques focused on empowerment and self-protection, clients can learn to establish clear, assertive boundaries that honor their needs and values. This process involves relearning self-care practices and assertive communication skills, which are essential for navigating healthy relationships and fostering mutual respect.

Moreover, inner child work encourages individuals to integrate fragmented aspects of their psyche into a cohesive sense of self. Many people develop coping mechanisms or personas to protect their inner child from further harm, such as people-pleasing, perfectionism, or emotional withdrawal. However, these defenses often hinder authentic self-expression and genuine connection with others. Inner child work invites individuals to acknowledge and embrace all parts of themselves—the wounded child, the protective adult, and the authentic self. By integrating these aspects through compassionate self-exploration and healing, clients can cultivate a more balanced and resilient inner foundation.

Inner child work stands out as a transformative therapy for healing trauma, enhancing self-relationships, improving interpersonal connections, and establishing healthy boundaries. By revisiting and nurturing the wounded inner child with empathy and understanding, individuals can release past hurts, rewrite negative narratives, and reclaim their personal power. This therapeutic journey empowers individuals to live authentically, cultivate fulfilling relationships, and navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and emotional freedom.

Charlotte Fort Mill Rock Hill Raleigh Burlington Charleston Columbia Greenville Myrtle Beach Belmont Asheville Women Therapy Individual Therapy Healing Holistic Therapy Couples Counseling Individual Counseling Counseling for Women Family Counseling