Healing Beyond Numbing: A Recovery Group

Healing Beyond Numbing..

Annie explains the intention and hope around the group Healing Beyond Numbing. This group supports individuals who are curious about how your chosen number or medicator gets in the way of you developing a deeper and more authentic relationship with self. A chosen medicator could be any substance, screen, person, relationship, food, or behavior that you use to distance yourself from a feeling or trauma.

Healing Beyond Numbing is an 8 week group for adults who want to explore their relationship with their number and medicator. Whether the goal is total abstinence or a temporary pause in order to evaluate the relationship for the future, this group is for you. Through this experience, we will explore how external stimuli can impact our recovery and relationship with both self and others. Join this series to face your numbing and medicating behavior head on, through connection and safety. Join this series to face your numbing and medicating behavior head on, through connection and safety. Email liza@healingcollectiveteam.com with any questions or to register click below!

Together we can do what we cannot do alone!

Join our next round of group to find out if numbing and medicating are blocking your healing.

Have you experienced any consequences from substances or behaviors that to you bring you “relief, comfort, relaxation, etc”? Do you find your relationship with these substances or behaviors to be the culprit of conflict with you and your loved ones? Are you unsure if abstinence is required or if there is an option to limit or restrict the relationship only on certain days?

Healing Beyond Numbing is a group designed to support the awareness and clarity of how we choose to cope with stressors like work, relationships, or even our past. This group will take into consideration what is called “Grey Area” to determine if the substance or behavior is actually causing the consequences to give clarity on unpacking what is harming vs helping. Join Annie and Sam for Healing Beyond Numbing Group series. This is a virtual, 8-week psychotherapy group that is offered concurrently. Participants must be screened before joining, and a commitment to all 8 weeks is required. There is an investment of $122 per group session. Click the “Register Now” button below to reserve your seat or contact liza@healingcollectiveteam.com for more information.

What does it mean “blocking my healing”

First let’s talk about The Healing Collective’s Definition of “Recovery”. Culturally in the United States, “Recovery” is a term ONLY applied to those needed abstinence from substance use or abuse. Although, some of our clients are participating in limiting or restricting substance or behaviors, that is not OUR definition of Recovery.

“Working towards my truest and highest self while accepting all the shadow parts that kept me alive along the way.” - Amber T

The intention of NUMBING & MEDICATING is actually to relieve pain. Did you know the body doesn't recognize the difference in physical pain vs emotional pain? As humans, all we want is to get rid of the pain. Thus, we use things outside of our body to influence how we feel. For some of us this is substances, for others is behaviors. The intention is relief it’s not about addiction. The root of addiction of any substance or behavior is trauma, an unmet emotional need from childhood that develops into a core wound and is walked out in all of our relationships until we find the connection and safety to Reparent.

Do you feel judged, shamed, or belittled?

The root of trauma is SHAME, it also happens to be one of the 2 emotions in the foundation of addiction…SHAME and POWERLESSNESS. While there are many modalities to support or treat what we call at The HC, “Numbing and Medicating”, the reason many of them are ineffective or don’t create long lasting results, is because the modalities don’t go to the root of the problem.

Let’s use an analogy. Let’s say you have a weed in your yard and in order to get rid of the weed, you grab a pair of scissors and cut the weed off above the ground. What will happen to that weed? Does it die? Does it grow back? Now, take the same scenario and instead of using scissors, you pull the weed up from the ground from the roots. What happens to the weed? Does it come back?

Using this scenario apply it to what you know about what our culture calls “addiction”. Surface level “talk therapy” modalities will not treat a deep rooted pain such as trauma. While some can put a bandaid on it such as prescriptions, it still doesn’t prevent or treat a replacement behavior. You know, like I quit smoking but I start vaping?!

The Healing Collective’s approach is holistic and doesn’t shame the person suffering from pain for trying to numb it. At The HC, we support you in healing you, because at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can! But the reality is, you can’t do it alone, AND, the most effective treatment that exists…Group Therapy! Sometimes we need to replace (even if temporarily people, places, and things) that are causing more pain in order to get some clean oxygen. That replacement is called “Family of Choice”, and its people, humans, moms, dads, sisters, brothers, all with the same goal. Do you want to know what it is? Join a group to find out!

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