Let's Zero In

Our culture can be incredibly judgmental when it comes to exploring and sharing our emotional pains. It’s almost as if emoting has come to be considered a sign of weakness. As a result, many of us—men especially—end up numbing or medicating feelings that have become too intense or difficult to face. Traumatic experiences are often minimized or disregarded entirely, and addictive behaviors are glossed over as simple means of getting by. We can end up having a hard time understanding our needs and developing healthy behaviors and relationships.

It's no wonder that recovery happens in stages. For those who have been on this journey, you likely know a therapist can help you to better understand your past, your habits, and how certain behaviors and addictions are impacting your day-to-day life. You may even be to the point where you are aware of your backstory and are no longer hesitant to go beyond surface-level feelings. Even then, you may not know how to move beyond a place where you feel stuck.

That’s why Sam Schweitzer’s favorite group is her men’s group, “Zero In.” In this small, closed group, Sam and fellow clinician Stacey Surratt guide men on “zeroing in” on the core issues affecting their lives, relationships, and recovery. Some of the themes that often come up in this group are aspects such as habit loops (things we tend to get stuck or complacent in), loneliness, and boredom.

Men, it can be so easy nowadays to feel alone, especially when it comes to struggling with addiction, trauma, and circular, self-sabotaging behavior that you know is not working. You may have a strong desire to change but just not know how. And you may feel as though you’re the only one dealing with these struggles.

Sam and Stacy are here to tell you that you’re not alone. “The reason this type of work happens in group, in addition to individual therapy, is to allow a sense of community, to allow that loneliness to start to break away and allow connection in our healing,” Sam explains. “There is such a deeper sense of connection, community, and safety when we can do this in a small group and we can have people see the deeper work that we’re doing and hear someone say ‘Me too’.”

If you are committed to healing, relationships, and bettering yourself, register today for our next six-week “Zero In” Men’s Group, which starts June 19th. One of the qualifiers is that you already have a therapist you’re working with on an ongoing basis, someone who can help you further process anything that may arise during the group.

For more information and to register, click below or reach out by emailing info@healingcollectiveteam.com or calling 803-216-1604 to reserve your spot. We would love to hear from you and hope you sign up!


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