Calling All Clinicians!

During COVID, I saw the need for clinicians to add a virtual experience to their therapy models. We all were forced to adjust how we reached our patients, and the last thing we wanted was for the patient experience to suffer. I thus started a coaching and consulting business to support clinicians in developing their businesses based on their clinical model. What’s come of that is the Healing Systems Experientially training.

Research has proven creating movement in a clinical session allows the client to reach relief quicker. But what does this look like? Is it an empty chair technique or a role reversal we practiced in graduate school over and over?

Not anymore!

Experiential therapy is what Psychology Today describes as “a category of therapeutic techniques in which expressive tools and activities—such as role-playing or acting, props, arts and crafts, music, animal care, guided imagery, or various forms of recreation—are used to allow clients to re-enact and re-experience emotional situations from their past or their relationships.” In essence, this modality utilizes somatic experiences to support the bottom up approach as much as the top down approach. The goal is to reconnect the mind and body.

But how do we clinicians offer that type of therapy in a virtual setting?

That’s what you’ll learn in my upcoming workshops! Each session teaches the action-oriented therapy model used at The Healing Collective to practice virtually with individuals, couples, families, and groups. Plus, you can earn 2.5 CEUs for continuing education (SC NASW approved).

If you're interested in expanding your skills and gaining more confidence in your clinical work, we invite you to join our upcoming sessions! Learn how to use your environment to build a stage for psychodynamic therapy. Discover action-oriented techniques to create movement in relationships. Sharpen your ability to apply experiential techniques with a group, giving your clients the opportunity to support each other in the healing process.

Click the button below for more details. The next session is coming in a few days. Register today!


Reparenting and Recovery


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