Journey Back to You

Life is often a trek for survival. The journey you’re on can have tons of pivots and U-turns. Just when you think you’re going in the “right” direction, you must change, take a hard left, and sometimes even return to where you’ve been. The sharp curves, dead ends, and fathomless chasms can come out of nowhere, and the more you “recalculate,” the more worn and weary you can become.

In such situations, confusion and fear can abound. Guilt, shame, lack of identity, low self-esteem and self-worth, perfectionism, disconnection, the past showing up in the present – all of these and more can get in the way of your ability to see clearly and know which path to take.

Is this you? Do you feel as though your path in life is so unclear that you can’t even see the next step?

It’s true that one must know where they are to know where they are going. Here at The Healing Collective, we understand that that journey starts with discovering the relationship between You and You.

All too often, we think that the answer to our life’s problems can be found in something or someone. As Amanda Enlow often says, “People pleasing is one hell of a drug.” Yet the more we numb shame or past wounds or rely on others to define who we are, the more we lose sight of ourselves. Only by setting boundaries, releasing ourselves from self-imposed or outer pressures, and feeling safe can we take steps toward gaining clarity and connection around our own essence. The relationship we have with ourselves, after all, is the roadmap to our relationships with others.

Are you ready to journey back to yourself? Join our upcoming closed psychotherapy group called “Journey Back to Me.” This co-ed, virtual, eight-week group is offered only twice a year. Our next cohort will begin meeting on June 12th. Participants must be screened before joining, and a commitment to all eight weeks is required.

For more information (and to watch a video on why group work is beneficial), follow the link below. The journey to rediscover yourself is important. Find yourself on a path going in a new direction, one filled with peace, one in which you know where you’re going and who you are.


Let's Zero In


Mom, You're Not Alone