Connecting For Recovery

FREE virtual support group

Details for VIRTUAL support group:

Thursdays at 7pm

Exclusive to The HC clients

Led by: Amber Tolbert, Founder & Owner of The HC

“Together We Can Do What We Cannot Do Alone”

Connecting For Recovery originated at the beginning of Covid when Amber was concerned about the access of connection for our clients. The Healing Collective started it’s first FREE virtual support group and it has been running strong EVERY Thursday at 7pm since! In order to join this group, participants must be clients of The Healing Collective or our sister company, The Relationship Enrichment Center in Matthews, NC.

Amber’s hope for this group is to bring recovery to all clients outside of their therapy sessions and into their families and lives. The format for this meeting is similar to 12-step meetings in that it begins every session with the guidelines created by the group. After those are read aloud, Amber will share on a recovery topic related to our clients: Trauma, Codependency, Numbing, Medicating, & Addiction. Thematic this group walks out the mission of our practice through our definition of RECOVERY: “Working towards our truest and highest self”.

Our culture defines “recovery” as those specifically suffering from substance use or abuse. Secondly, our culture also blames the addict rather than identifying the root of addiction as trauma. If you are a member of The Healing Collective community in North Carolina, or, South Carolina, suffering from the generational patterns.