May You Know...

May you know that you are not the trauma. 

May you know that you are not the byproducts of those traumas. May you know that you are not the thoughts born of those traumas. May you know that you are not the actions done due to those traumas. May you know that you are not the feelings erupting as a result of those traumas. 

May you know that you’re not the victim of any trauma. 

May you know that you’re not stain of any trauma. 

May you know you’re not the shame of any trauma. 

May you know that you’re not the sorrow and grief of a trauma. 

May you know you’re not the chaos born of any trauma. 

May you know you’re not the doubts arising from any trauma. May you know that you are not the trauma.

May you know that the Pure Self is absent of traumas. May you know that the Pure Self is afflictionless. 

May you know that the Pure Self is blemishless. 

May you know that the Pure Self has never been tainted. May you know that the Pure Self is always pure. 

May you know that you are that Pure Self. 

-Esha Estar


Burst Through the Blocks


Healing the Energetic Body Virtual Workshop