Gratitude and vibration
Well the leaves are changing and the shedding has begun! It feels like seasons come and go so much faster than they used to. The expression, “long days, short years” now really means something to me. Time seems to be the most valuable and precious commodity and the one thing we can’t create more of. As we travel further into Fall, the days are shorter and there is an exchange of time between the sun and the moon. It’s a season of shedding, releasing, and changing. Although I haven’t always had gratitude for “change” I can recognize there is an abundance that follows. Typically a sense of loss or grief precedes the abundance before I can recognize why change was necessary. Similar to the change from green to red of the leaves before they fall. Winter precedes Spring in order to create abundance.
My recovery over the last few years has included expanding my relationship with nature and all things bigger than me. I’ve had an increasing awareness, curiosity, and desire for knowledge of all things made of energy. I’ve found several facts that I find myself using on a daily basis, such as, “emotion is energy in motion”, when I’m doing healing work, I’m working at a vibrational level to ultimately “affect matter”. I started to read more about vibration and frequency and what I found is that emotions vibrate at different frequencies. For example, gratitude and love range between 500-540mHz. Whereas, emotions associated with trauma, addiction, and medicating range (shame and fear) range between 20-100mHz.
This science (or magic whichever you prefer) supports the idea 12 step programs use when creating a daily practice of a gratitude journal. When I think back to my life pre-recovery, it was more days of fear, grief, and shame than joy, gratitude, or peace. What I understand now, is that’s because we attract our equal level of health. We as humans are electromagnetic fields and we are attracted to what we are (vibrationally speaking). This makes so much sense why I found myself stuck in emotionally unavailable relationships for so long. Why would I repeat patterns over and over again in relationships that just kept me stuck in all the things I was trying to run away from. Never did I think my answer (or the way out) would be found in science!
So as we enter into this holiday season, just a reminder of all the healing work you’ve done to become who you are. This includes raising your vibration and why it may feel so uncomfortable to be around family of origin that have yet to make it into recovery. I have felt at times like those two little magnets I played with as a kid.. where one side they immediately stick together and the other side they repel and no matter how hard I pushed them they would never connect. This is what it feels like when I am around loved ones that are still suffering from their pain. I struggle to connect with them, to support them, or their behaviors feel intolerable to me. Now I know, it’s because we are living at very different vibrational frequencies. We are now the two little magnets that can only get so close, but won’t connect.
I like understanding a deeper level of what’s happening because then I can live in the “gray”, as opposed to the “it’s me problem or a them problem” (all or nothing). I don’t have to shrink or blame them because then my vibrational level drops. I can be neutral, which also has a vibrational frequency! It’s 250-300 which is much higher than fear or shame at 20-100. I think I’ll meet them in the middle and hold space for them until they find their way.
I invite you to raise your vibrational frequency before going to family holiday traditions. Protect your peace. Own your recovery. Hold space for those still suffering.