Frequently Asked Questions

What if I forget to cancel my appointment?

24 hour notice on cancellations is required, without notice, full fee will be charged.

Do you accept insurance?

We are out of network with all insurance companies. We can provide you with documentation to apply for reimbursement.

Why do you not accept health insurance?

We don’t believe that all people fit in one box, and we see the individual rather than the label. We also believe that the most effective care includes tailoring each treatment plan to meet the unique needs of the individual - not meet the rigid guidelines of the insurance company. We utilize highly effective modalities such as customized intensives, workshops, and energy work to support our clients in getting faster relief from pain, and these are not recognized by health insurance.

All insurance claims require a diagnosis of a mental health disorder to be considered for payment or reimbursement. While there are certain diagnosable mental health issues that we treat, there are often reasons that people seek therapy that do not require a diagnosis. Examples can include emotional pain stemming from a separation or divorce or coping with the demands of a high pressure job.

When submitting information to an insurance company, the insurance company - not you - decides how many sessions are appropriate for your treatment and the length of those sessions. Private information shared with your insurance company may be stored in the Medical Information Bureau where it can be accessed in the future by other parties such as life insurance companies.

Some insurance plans offer “out of network” insurance coverage. The way this works is you pay for therapy with any out of network provider that you choose and then submit a detailed receipt called a Superbill directly to your insurance company to request reimbursement. We do provide this Superbill for use at your discretion. Please be aware that this still carries a certain amount of risk because you are submitting information about your clinical care. Most insurance plans will request that a diagnosis be included on this Superbill, and not all therapeutic issues are reimbursable. It is your responsibility to communicate with your insurance carrier regarding any out of network coverage you may have and the specifics of that coverage.

We do accept HSA/FSA.

How much does therapy cost?

We offer many types of services and service providers to support a variety of needs. Our services range from $100-$300 per hour and our treatment plans are customized to support the individual needs of each client. At the start of treatment we recommend weekly therapy for at least the first 8 weeks to support safety building and quicker movement. Treatment plans can also be customized to create opportunities for regular intensives. Your clinician will collaborate with you to create the best treatment plan for your pain and provide expectations on length of treatment so that you can make an informed decision about your investment.

Do you offer traditional or non-traditional therapy services?

We offer both traditional and non-traditional therapy services. We offer clinical assessments, individual therapy, joint therapy (family therapy and couples therapy), group therapy, support groups, intensives, energy work including reiki and sound healing, right brain focused healing including music therapy and MARI assessments, trauma informed yoga, workshops, and retreats. Recommendations are made across our continuum of care depending on your treatment goals and individual needs.

How often do I have to come to therapy?

Therapy generally initiates on a weekly basis to develop rapport and the treatment plan. Once the foundation is laid, the frequency slowly decreases at a pace you are comfortable.

Do you prescribe medication?

No- we are therapists and counselors, we cannot prescribe medications. We can collaborate with you and your Psychiatrist or Primary Care Physician as a treatment team per your request with proper consents signed.

Do you provide Clinical Supervision?

Yes, Amber Tolbert and Jenn Radcliffe provide clinical supervision for provisionally licensed social workers in North Carolina and South Carolina. Sam Schweitzer and Stacey Surratt provide clinical supervision for LCAS in NC. Stacey Surratt provides clinical supervision for CADC in SC. Please contact us for more information.

What is Community Psychoeducation?

We feel giving back to the community is essential and knowledge is power. Our time and knowledge is valuable and we want to offer that as often as we can to empower others and pay it forward! Please contact us for more information.


Couples Can't Heal in Talk Therapy