Loving Parent Group

RE-Parenting Group Therapy for Fellow Travelers

Loving Parent Group

The Loving Parent is our Re-parenting Group for clients in awareness of their process and need for recovery. This group supports the process of recognizing the deficits and unmet needs from childhood as well as the walk out of how to fulfill or heal those traumas. Take a few minutes and listen as Jenn (one of the group facilitators) talks about what a Loving Parent is and how it is essential in sustainable recovery. Recovery isn’t meant to be done alone, and so often we need support to walk out other behaviors to create change.

This group runs concurrently but opens up for new members once a quarter. If you’re interested in joining, register below and Liza will put you on our waitlist. She will contact you with the date that the next round of group will start so you can add it to your calendar!

Recovery defined by this group is, working towards becoming my truest and highest self.

Join our next round of group to learn to reparent yourself and experience freedom.

Jenn and Stacey lead a lunchtime support and recovery group every other week for an 8 session series to go deeper into right sizing, self loving, and reparenting. Loving Parent Group is great for those adults who struggle with perfectionism, pleasing others first, constant feelings of shame or raised in home with alcohol or dysfunctional families. If you are struggling in relationships, or finding it difficult to balance and feel contentment in your life, then this group will give you support, tools, and insight to grow and heal.

Click the button to register for our next round. This is a virtual, 8-week psychotherapy group that meets every other week. Participants must be screened before joining, and a commitment to all 8 weeks is required. Investment is $100 per group session. Click the “Register Now” button to reserve your seat or contact liza@healingcollectiveteam.com for more information.

“Having FUN is hard to do when I can’t create safety in my own body.”

Amber Tolbert

What does it mean to RE-parent?

Do you find patterns or cycles from your childhood or backstory continue to show in your present day relationships? Whether it’s at work or with loved ones? Have you heard the concept RE-parenting but unsure about what it means? The Healing Collective is a team of Fellow Travelers supporting our community in growing more healing and recovery.

Re-parenting is a process that facilitates healing for those of us that experienced trauma or events in our history that created a deficit because loved ones or parents were unable to offer repair. Re-parenting allows us as individuals to heal our own story rather than living our lives in deficit.

Recovery at The Healing Collective means, “working towards our truest and highest self”. Culturally, “Recovery” is focused on substance use. That is inclusive in our definition but not what RECOVERY means for us. Re-parenting is a form of Recovery and our team at The Healing Collective are experts and trained in trauma, intergenerational trauma, as well as numbing and medicating.

So if you are unfamiliar with Re-parenting, I invite you to some work with us. It is the “exit ramp” to ending dysfunctional patterns and how one is able to create healthy relationships.

  • Stacey Surratt

    Group Facilitator, Senior Clinician

  • Jenn Radcliffe

    Group Facilitator, Lead Clinician