Jenn Radcliffe

How I support you in your recovery
The way I support my clients in their recovery is to offer accountability in sessions, provide resources to expand their recovery community and knowledge, and model how to walk it out through reparenting and trusting their own intuition. I offer MARI assessments to help clients visualize the journey they are on and work through stuck points. I offer intensive sessions to allow for time to dive deep into the wounded parts that cause pathology and come out the other side with more recovery and healing. I offer workshops based in right-brain healing to expand your insight and to allow the time and space to practice walking out their recovery with other people. 

How I support you in building a relationship with self
I support my clients first by walking out my own recovery and will never ask anyone to do something in session that I have not already done myself and oftentimes will do right alongside them. I also create a safe and supportive space for them to show up as they are, with curiosity and empathy rather than judgment. I incorporate right-brain healing techniques into my sessions to assist clients in connecting with the hidden and often unseen/unheard parts of themselves that have been wounded. In doing so, my goal is to support my clients in healing core wounds and moving from surviving to living their most authentic self.  

My Personal Recovery Journey
My program is ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families. My recovery journey has been filled with starts and stops, progress and regression, scary moments where I've had to learn to do different than I've ever done before, and moments of gratitude for everything I am continuing to learn about myself and what I am capable of. In addition to connecting with other fellow travelers, my recovery program consists of inner child journaling and drawing, breaking generational patterns as I reparent myself and parent my son at the same time, pausing to allow for creativity and learning to prioritize myself. 

My Experience
I am a Licensed Independent Social Worker, Clinical Practice, in South Carolina and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in North Carolina. I am a Clinical Social Work Supervisor in North Carolina and South Carolina and am a Certified Mandala Assessment Research Instrument Practitioner (Certified MARI Practitioner). I have 13 years of experience in the field in a variety of settings. I obtained my master’s degree in Social Work from Adelphi University in 2013 and joined The HC team in 2019. I obtained my undergraduate degree from St. Thomas Aquinas College in 2006 majoring in Psychology. I am an experiential therapy practitioner with training in complementary therapeutic modalities and right-brain-based healing modalities, including MARI, Broken Bowl technique, Polyvagal and Intuitive Drawing, Bilateral Body Mapping, and other adjunctive creative expressive arts therapy techniques. I am also an energy healer trained in Holy Fire Reiki. 

More About Me
I am a mom of a funny and sweet little boy, dog mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, creative, healer, human, perfectly imperfect, messy but organized, forever evolving, artist and fellow woowoo.

-- What Element Do You Resonate With? --


"I am most drawn to fire, but the low, smoldering kind of fire that burns beneath the surface or low to the ground, full of warmth and potential. It’s the core of where my creativity and intuition come from, flaring up at times but always steadily burning inside."

-- What's Your Walk Out Song? --

"Come Sail Away" by Styx

-- How To Connect --

(803) 216-1604


Stacey Surratt


Amanda Enlow