Healing Systems Experientially


Learn Action Oriented Therapy

  • How to provide Experiential Therapy to Individuals - Learn how to use your environment to build a stage for psychodynamic therapy. Experiential takes clients beyond talk therapy. We can’t heal our past without our body, in experiential therapy we use somatic approaches to include the body in the session.
  • Learn how to provide Experiential Therapy to Couples/Families - Learn action oriented techniques to create movement in relationships. Balancing more than one perspective is difficult, and, using an experiential approach removes one from the need to align with one. It support the relationship, not just the individuals.
  • Learn to facilitate Experiential Therapy in a Group setting - Learn how to apply experiential techniques with a group. Using psychodynamic approach with a group removes the need to control. Experiential therapy gives clients the opportunity to support each other in the healing process.

Healing Systems Experientially is a training for therapists of any background to learn action oriented therapy. Research has proven creating movement in a clinical session, allows the client to reach relief quicker. But how do we do this? Is it an empty chair technique or a role reversal we practiced in graduate school over and over? No, Experiential Therapy is a psychodynamic modality created by Onsite Workshops at their Experiential Training Institute. This modality utilizes somatic experiences to support the bottom up approach as much as the top down approach. The goal is to reconnect the mind and body. Amber will teach, model, and lead participants in conceptualizing systems therapy and practically applying experiential techniques.

Program Agenda:
Building safety in an experiential relationship

Modeling clinical resourcing and co-regulation

Experiential Assessments, Motivational Interviewing

Generational patterns, Genogram, Family Sculpt

Experiential Tool: Trauma timeline

Experiential Tool: role play, role reversal

Experiential Tool: personification

Developing patterns/themes in systems

Experientially staffing a case to include system

Closing sacred space in group therapy

Program Dates:
February 23, 2024

March 22, 2024

April 26, 2024

May 24, 2024

June 28, 2024

August 23, 2024

September 27, 2024

October 25, 2024

$123 per group

44 CEUs approved by NASW for whole series

5.5 CEUs for each individual training


Reparenting & Recovery


Connecting For Recovery