MARI® Assessment

The MARI® is a tool for gaining self-awareness and insight by consideration of the intersection of color and symbol in drawn circles known as mandalas. Utilizing a tool based in right hemisphere creative processing allows us a window into the inner truth and state of being of a person as they innately are, without the filter of conscious thought.

Mandala is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates to mean “circle” or “center.” We most commonly think of them as circles comprised of geometric or repeating patterns, but in a broader lens they are spiritual tools utilized by a number of cultures worldwide.

Carl Jung recognized the mandala as “the centre of personality, a kind of central point within the psyche, to which everything is related, by which everything is arranged and which is, itself, a source of energy. This center,” said Jung, “is not felt or thought of as ego but, if one may so express it, as the self.”

Find out more about the MARI® Assessment process and theory as shared in this video by the official MARI® website found at

FAQs about MARI® Assessments

What will a MARI® assessment tell me?

A MARI® will reveal what we know on a subconscious level but might not yet know consciously. It can reveal our inner truth, and can be used as a guide for further therapeutic work.

How long does the assessment take?

A full MARI® assessment will take about 2-3 hours. Some clients find it helpful to schedule a follow up process session with their therapist to continue exploring what came up during the assessment.

Who is appropriate for a MARI® session?

Adults with interest in deeper self-exploration, trouble processing with words, or who may feel a stuck point in their current process.

Do I have to be a client at The Healing Collective to do a MARI® assessment?

No! We are able to offer consultative MARI assessment sessions that you can process and further review with your own individual therapist.


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