
"The only way out is through” R. Frost

intensives in NC and SC

Intensives (intensive psychotherapy) are customized therapeutic experiences for situations that need resolution and movement. Intensives are for individuals, couples, families, and or siblings that want to move through an impasse. Sometimes this is working through the pain of a betrayal, or the memory of childhood trauma, or solidifying new healthy behaviors in a family system. At times, working with clients weekly is more injurious than helpful, an intensive allows for the healing to take place deeply and over the days that are scheduled. Intensive Psychotherapy appointments usually span a half day to 4 days and are scheduled by appointment. In that amount of time, participants are able to access an emotional depth that helps them move through an event. They are also able to acquire and utilize tools in an emotionally safe environment. Intensive Psychotherapy requires an extensive intake process.

The Healing Collective is a teaching practice and to that end, we include interns and or invite other therapists who are eager to learn this process to participate and enhance our work. These professionals have experience in assisting in intensives, where they can play roles of your family members, currently and historically. This helps with identification and sharing of feelings. They also give helpful feedback and are there to learn, accommodate and provide support. Of course, having interns in the room would require the consent of the individual, couple or family.


Why consider an intensive?

If you find yourself stuck in a pattern of behaviors it’s typically historical. Often times in traditional therapy (weekly for 1 hour) the limited time prevents the “movement or shift” that can happen from participating in an intensive. The healing process goes two ways in an intensive, top down and bottom up. Don’t worry, Amber will explain ALL of this in your assessment!

I already have a therapist, why do an intensive?

Intensives are a modality of treatment that is designed to create and support immense healing. What sustains our recovery and progress is the safety in the relationship with a healer. We work WITH your therapist to support your treatment plan (with your permission of course). Think of it as a specialized treatment. If you are working with a therapist that specializes in your area of need, that might be similar to going to a cardiologist. In working with your Cardiologist (current therapist) he/she might recognize a need to see a different specialist, like a Nutritionist to support the work you are doing with the Cardiologist. Both are specialists, both have roles in your treatment, and work parallel but one doesn’t replace the other.

Are intensives just for individuals?

No, intensives have immense capacity to create a lot of healing even systemically. Couples and families (not just family of origin but also family of choice) or groups can comprise participants in an intensive. Connecting all the dots are vital in recognizing patterns, and having those closest to us walking the journey with us in an intensive means we heal the system, not just the individual.

Is an intensive covered under my insurance?

Deciding to do an intensive is, without a doubt, an investment. Intensives are not considered “traditional” therapy sessions therefore, insurance companies do not recognize them as covered services. Often this barrier (not using insurance) is a BIG part of a person staying “stuck”, also apart of their backstory. Investment in time and money in oneself to participate in an intensive would require making treatment a priority. If you immediately ruled out an intensive because of the time or money investment, consider exploring that!

Is an Intensive also therapy?

Yes! Intensives are conducted by specially trained clinicians to provide therapy in a way that supports understanding (cognitive) as well as processing (body) trauma. The additional time allows for the client to understand their own story and identify how their past is showing up in their present. The body processing creates a rewiring that allows the trauma stuck in the body to be released and new behaviors to form.

How does it benefit to have witnesses or other professionals in my intensive?

Amber invites referring clinicians to join their clients as part of the treatment. If your clinician joins you in your intensive, it brings established trust and safety to your work and expedites your process.

Amber encourages the use of interns or other trained clinicians from her team because it makes the process rich by having other participants to hold space for people or things in your world. Imagine creating a visual of your world and it being able to speak to you what you needed to hear. These witnesses can be a powerful voice of healing to honor your process.

Amber Tolbert, MPH, MSW, LISW-CP, LCSW

Amber specializes in family systems and experiential therapy. Intensives range from 4hour (half day) up to 2.5 day. To schedule an intensive, you will first do an assessment with Amber and she will determine if this mode of treatment is what’s best for you. Most often, intensives are paired with traditional weekly therapy to support the integration of the healing that occurs during the intensive. If you’d like to schedule with Amber, please contact our office at 803-216-1604 and our staff will support you.


Connecting For Recovery


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