Heal in Connection

We like to think that we can overcome past trauma on our own. We push through the pain, shove away our emotions, and find ways to cope. But no rule says we have to go through pain alone. Taking the step to start therapy means you’ve accepted this. It means you’ve recognized that you may not be as self-sufficient as you thought. It means you want help.

It doesn’t mean that you’re a failure. It doesn’t mean that you’re weak. In fact, starting therapy shows just how strong you are. Your grief, longing, fear, loneliness, and shame are not yours to bear alone. Healing comes through connection, and that connection can be found in a group.

I get it. The thought of joining a group session can be intimidating at best and a downright hard pass at worst. But group therapy may be the most important support you haven’t considered. “There is such a deeper sense of connection, community, and safety when we can [talk things through] in a small group,” Sam Schweitzer explains of her group “Zero In.”

From finding connections to being able to participate in activities best suited for groups to learning from others in an economical way, group sessions can open doors to healing that individual sessions may not. It's for that reason that we’re starting three 8-week group sessions this month!

Want a quick recap of what’s coming up? Keep on reading!

In the ever-popular relational recovery group “Journey Back to Me,” Amanda Enlow and Celena Richards guide participants on determining how to know which path to take in life. When the path is unclear, confusion and fear abound. One must know where they are to know where they are going. The journey starts with discovering the relationship between You and You.

Through “Zero In,” men can work through deeper layers of their recovery. Sam Schweitzer and Stacey Surratt lead discussions that bring up themes such as habit loops, loneliness, and boredom. Participants learn to change habits, explore the why behind medicators, and reconnect with what makes them feel alive.

With “Breaking Free,” women gain clarity on their current needs and discover tools that will help them live in alignment. Elizabeth Avant teaches participants to challenge their inner critic and engage in a loving relationship with self as they meet their needs. (Note: This 8-week session starting in September is for alumni of previous “Breaking Free” cycles.)

As you can see, our groups are varied and offer healing and recovery opportunities for people from every walk of life. For more information and to register, click the button below. Heal in connection, not in isolation. Join one of our September group sessions today!


Annie Morse


Recognize the Change in You